Foreign Ministry Spokesman Kong Quan's Comment on US Remarks on Reiterating Its Adherence to the One China Policy

Q: Chen Shuibian said on January 29th that he would "consider seriously whether or not to abolish the National Unification Council or the National Unification Guidelines", and would apply for entry into the United Nations under the name of Taiwan. The US State Department spokesman responded on January 30th by reiterating that the United States adhered to the one China policy and opposed to any unilateral move to change the current situation. The spokesman also said that Chen Shuibian's remarks on applying for entry into the UN under the name of Taiwan were a unilateral move to change the current status. What's China's comment on this?

A: Chen Shuibian's remarks on "Taiwan's independence" on January 29th once again show that he obstinately clings to the splitting position of "Taiwan's independence" and also reveal the dangerous tendency that the Taiwan authorities are attempting to push for an escalation of splitting activities and to undermine the peaceful and stable cross-straits relations.

We have noticed that the US reiterated its position on sticking to the one China policy and opposing "Taiwan's independence". We hope that the United States and the international community continue to stay high alert to the extreme danger and harm of the splitting activities aimed at "Taiwan's independence", to support China in opposing these splitting activities of with a view to promoting the peaceful and stable development of cross-straits relations and to jointly maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Straits and the Asia-Pacific region.